Salman Khan’s younger brother Sohail Khan celebrated his 54th birthday yesterday. The Khan family, including Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan and Sshura Khan attended the party. Salman was spotted leaving the grand birthday bash in his swanky car. The actor was spotted in a black ensemble as the paparazzi clicked him after attending a party.
Khan’s appearance comes in the midst of him receiving security threats from gangsters. Actors are seen with tight security while making appearances or during movie shooting. In other news, he is currently wrapping up the shooting of his Eid 2025 release, Sikandar, which also stars Suniel Shetty, Rashmika Mandanna and Kajal Aggarwal.
According to reports, the team is preparing to shoot the main train sequence in January 2025. The scene will be shot in Borivali studio and will feature Salman Khan in gritty action sequences.